Exploring The Secrets Behind Nabhi Displacement

Understanding the Navel

The navel, also known clinically as the umbilicus or nabhi, is the point where the umbilical cord was attached during fetal development. It is supplied by the 10th thoracic spinal nerve and serves as a significant anatomical and physiological feature, representing the bottle's neck containing umbilical vessels and structures related to the digestive and urinary systems.


Navel displacement is a recognized disorder in various folk and ancient medical traditions. It is attributed to causes such as fear, heavy lifting, sudden movements, trauma, or falls, and is associated with symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, anorexia, anxiety, and depression. Different cultures have their own names for the navel and employ diverse remedies and techniques for its treatment.

Location of Nabhi

The anatomical position of the navel is not precisely defined. Instead, it holds significance as a holistic indicator of physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual health. In ancient Indian medicine, the nabhi is considered a vital energy point associated with the Manipura chakra, symbolizing the body's energy center and digestive fire.

Causes of Navel Displacement

Heavy lifting
Uneven jumping or walking
Indigestion and constipation
Sudden body twisting or abrupt changes in movement
Excessive horse riding, exerting pressure on the abdominal area.

Indicators of Navel Displacement

Navel displacement indicates a disruption in the functionality of the digestive system. If you're unsure how to detect navel displacement, here are some changes in the navel that could help you determine its presence:

1. The navel appears to deviate towards the front or side instead of aligning with the center of the belly button.
2. Palpation and physical examination may reveal displacement of the navel towards the spine.
3. An abnormal separation between the rectus abdominis muscles may become apparent.
4. A hard lump may form around the navel.